Friday, March 8, 2013

New Found Go-to foods

I wanted to create a list of foods that were never on my radar before I started to get serious about my health. While I always thought I ate pretty healthy I never really put much thought into my choices other than thinking they should be "low fat". We now know that that while low fat options are still good, non-fat foods should be avoided since they often contain chemicals. And if you eat the right fats, fats aren't that bad at all! In fact, your body needs fats. I swear, I am living proof! I am leaner even though my "healthy" fat intake as gone up.

New Found Go-to Foods etc.:
-- "Organic" chicken
-- Coconut oil
-- "Organic" eggs
-- Almond Flour
-- Coconut Flour
-- Stevia
-- Sprouted grain breads, muffins & tortillas
-- Sea salt
-- Quinoa/ Quinoa pasta
-- Brown rice pasta
-- Brown rice crackers
-- Kale
-- "raw" almonds
-- Honey
-- Flax seeds
-- Chia seeds
-- 85% dark chocolate
-- Non-GMO foods

Old Favorites and still great staples to have in your diet:
-- Avocado, guacamole
-- Hummus
-- Sweet potatoes
-- Lentils/beans
-- Fish

What have I given up?
-- Artificial sweeteners
-- Fruit juice (unless I make it in my juicer)
-- Soda & diet soda
-- White Flour
-- White rice
-- White pasta
-- White bread
-- Processed soy products
-- Instant, packaged foods

Have cut down on:
-- Sugar (including brown sugar, powdered and confectioner's)
-- Deep-fried foods
-- Potato chips
-- Soy proteins

It is a process to change the foods you are used to. Some foods are easier to eliminate than others. Even  if you switch out your foods slowly, you are heading in the right direction!

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