I never thought about cleansing before. In fact, I thought people that cleansed were extreme. I didn't think I need to go to such lengths for my health. I figured my body knows how to cleanse naturally. Isn't that what our kidneys and liver are meant to do? So when I learned that Isagenix had a cleansing system, I wasn't initially excited.
But I do like to research and started to look into cleansing -- especially Isagenix cleansing.
Natural cleansing processes that our body does are enzymatic processes. These processes are dependent upon daily intake of minerals and trace minerals and amino acids. If you are deficient with any minerals, trace minerals and amino acids, your enzymatic processes slow or stop working properly altogether. We know that mineral deficiency is at an all time high due to depletion of soil quality. Most traditional diets are missing many of these key nutrients to support our natural cleansing process. Add to it the fact that we live in a polluted world that our bodies weren't created to live in.
We live in a toxic world -- there is no question. Not only with the foods we eat, but the air we breath, even clothing and furniture is toxic! An umbilical cord blood study revealed 287 different chemicals and environmental toxins and toxicants. "Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests." It gets you thinking, if an unborn baby, that hasn't even taken its first breath, is exposed to toxicity within the womb, then what have we been exposed to in our lifetime thus far?
So really Isagenix doesn't detox your body, it simply gives your body the nutrients it needs to support the cleansing process -- helping rid our bodies of toxins that can lead to all sorts of aliments.
I started to realize that everyone needs to cleanse! I need to cleanse! I am probably pretty toxic. I need help cleansing. And the Cleanse for Life juice you use on your deep cleanse days is full with amazing nutrition! Following deep cleanse days the Isagenix shakes continue to flood your body with nutrition. The next thing you know, you have more energy and feel stronger. And this was true for me.
Everyone is different. Some people are more toxic than others and need to cleanse more often. I have decided to cleanse every 3 months with Isagenix shakes and supplements and healthy diet in between. So far it seems to be working! But I do love that it's not a one fits all system, which really makes this so great. My parents, who are in their 70s, do the Isagenix cleanse! And just like myself, they have been glad they did!
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