Monday, March 18, 2013

Why I love my Isagenix shake

10 Reasons I love my Isagenix shake:

  1. Easy to make and consume early in the morning or after a workout.
  2. Doesn't contain any artificial anything -- artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives
  3. No GMOs -- all organic. Yes!
  4. High protein, 24 grams - 36 grams (IsaLean vs IsLean Pro)
  5. Whey protein is "undenatured" and from pasture fed cows living off fertile earth in New Zealand
  6. Low glycemic
  7. Added enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to maximize the absorption of key nutrients. 
  8. Helps burn fat and support lean muscle
  9. Increased energy and recovery
  10. Tastes great! (I can't say that for all protein drinks!)

I am one of those people that isn't super hungry first thing in the morning. I like my coffee and I would usually force myself to eat something quick like a Nutrigrain bar. I never really thought about the fact that I needed protein in the morning to get me started. In fact, I really needed a meal! At 120 calories and 2 grams of protein, my Nutrigrain bar wasn't cutting it. Not to mention that it contains some crummy ingredients I don't need: SOYBEAN AND/OR CANOLA OIL, SOLUBLE CORN FIBER, SUGAR, DEXTROSE, FRUCTOSE, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, INVERT SUGAR, CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, MODIFIED CORN STARCH, SODIUM ALGINATE, CARAMEL COLOR, RED 40. (while corn and soy isn't harmful, I doubt these are non-GMO.)

So then I start having the Isagenix IsaLean shake in the morning instead. It's a shake, so it is fast and you can bring it on the go and it is easy to drink even when I'm not that hungry. So instead of getting only 2 grams of protein, I was getting 24 grams of protein! I felt a difference right away in how much energy I had. But it gets better. The whey protein that Isagenix uses is undenatured. Most whey that you find is denatured (proteins are altered through chemical or physical means so that some of its original properties are lost or diminished). Most companies use salts, enzymes, acids or heat to separate out the curds from the whey. These four processes absolutely change whey. Isagenix uses micro-filtration. This process is incredibly expensive but protects the whey in its natural state and keeps it undenatured.  The whey concentrate is then air dried in a huge spray-drying drum, using no heat and then it’s carefully sealed in crates. Along with being undenatured, Isagenix whey comes from New Zealand, free-range cows that are exclusively grass fed (free from herbicides, pesticides etc.), milked and rested according to season and free of hormones, antibiotics and steroids. The whey protein concentrate in the shakes is about 90% utilized, 10% waste. So if you consume a shake that yields 36 grams of protein (IsaLean Pro), after you eat and digest it, you’re utilizing about 33 grams of it. Pretty awesome! Other foods just can't compare. Chicken breast yields 30 grams of protein. Once cooked, eaten and digested however, the body can only utilize about 13 grams of it, the rest is waste.  Same thing with beef and fish -- around 40% utilized. Eggs are a bit higher. Not that you shouldn't eat these foods but you can see how powerful these shakes really are!

Not only that, but it is a meal replacement. It has the calorie intake I need to keep me satisfied at breakfast. And all of that sugar, artificial flavor etc. listed above in my normal Nutrigrain bar? Not in the shake. In fact, the shake is low glycemic and uses stevia leaf extract as a sweetener. There are also 70 plus minerals and trace minerals in the shakes! More vitamins than I usually have by dinner!

And I didn't think about the importance of a shake when working out! The one- to two-hour period right after a workout is prime time for muscle anabolism. It’s this time when you need protein most. The body is craving nutrients for muscle recovery and protein is highest on the list, especially if the protein is high in BCAAs (Branched-Chained Amino Acids). Whey protein is rich in all the BCAAs- leucine, isoleucine, valine. Research studies show that extra fast-absorbing whey protein after workouts boosts muscle growth in active adults and athletes. And I have SEEN my muscle mass increase! 

My latest formula? I love the chocolate IsaLean Shake. But since I have been working out more, I decided to add the IsaPro powder to my shake. When I have 1 1/2 scoops of the IsaLean shake and one of the IsaPro Vanilla I end up with 36 grams of protein! I also like to add a TBSP of PB2 (powdered peanut butter). You can also just have the IsaLean Pro shakes which will be the 36 grams of protein. Either way works!

So even if you aren't into cleansing, you need your protein, vitamins and minerals. Start your day with an Isagenix shake, you will be glad you did! Buy here now!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Why I decided to cleanse

I never thought about cleansing before. In fact, I thought people that cleansed were extreme. I didn't think I need to go to such lengths for my health. I figured my body knows how to cleanse naturally. Isn't that what our kidneys and liver are meant to do? So when I learned that Isagenix had a cleansing system, I wasn't initially excited.

But I do like to research and started to look into cleansing -- especially Isagenix cleansing.

Natural cleansing processes that our body does are enzymatic processes. These processes are dependent upon daily intake of minerals and trace minerals and amino acids. If you are deficient with any minerals, trace minerals and amino acids, your enzymatic processes slow or stop working properly altogether. We know that mineral deficiency is at an all time high due to depletion of soil quality. Most traditional diets are missing many of these key nutrients to support our natural cleansing process. Add to it the fact that we live in a polluted world that our bodies weren't created to live in.

We live in a toxic world -- there is no question. Not only with the foods we eat, but the air we breath, even clothing and furniture is toxic! An umbilical cord blood study revealed 287 different chemicals and environmental toxins and toxicants. "Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests." It gets you thinking, if an unborn baby, that hasn't even taken its first breath, is exposed to toxicity within the womb, then what have we been exposed to in our lifetime thus far?

So really Isagenix doesn't detox your body, it simply gives your body the nutrients it needs to support the cleansing process -- helping rid our bodies of toxins that can lead to all sorts of aliments.

I started to realize that everyone needs to cleanse! I need to cleanse! I am probably pretty toxic. I need help cleansing. And the Cleanse for Life juice you use on your deep cleanse days is full with amazing nutrition! Following deep cleanse days the Isagenix shakes continue to flood your body with nutrition. The next thing you know, you have more energy and feel stronger. And this was true for me.

Everyone is different. Some people are more toxic than others and need to cleanse more often. I have decided to cleanse every 3 months with Isagenix shakes and supplements and healthy diet in between. So far it seems to be working! But I do love that it's not a one fits all system, which really makes this so great. My parents, who are in their 70s, do the Isagenix cleanse! And just like myself, they have been glad they did!

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Found Go-to foods

I wanted to create a list of foods that were never on my radar before I started to get serious about my health. While I always thought I ate pretty healthy I never really put much thought into my choices other than thinking they should be "low fat". We now know that that while low fat options are still good, non-fat foods should be avoided since they often contain chemicals. And if you eat the right fats, fats aren't that bad at all! In fact, your body needs fats. I swear, I am living proof! I am leaner even though my "healthy" fat intake as gone up.

New Found Go-to Foods etc.:
-- "Organic" chicken
-- Coconut oil
-- "Organic" eggs
-- Almond Flour
-- Coconut Flour
-- Stevia
-- Sprouted grain breads, muffins & tortillas
-- Sea salt
-- Quinoa/ Quinoa pasta
-- Brown rice pasta
-- Brown rice crackers
-- Kale
-- "raw" almonds
-- Honey
-- Flax seeds
-- Chia seeds
-- 85% dark chocolate
-- Non-GMO foods

Old Favorites and still great staples to have in your diet:
-- Avocado, guacamole
-- Hummus
-- Sweet potatoes
-- Lentils/beans
-- Fish

What have I given up?
-- Artificial sweeteners
-- Fruit juice (unless I make it in my juicer)
-- Soda & diet soda
-- White Flour
-- White rice
-- White pasta
-- White bread
-- Processed soy products
-- Instant, packaged foods

Have cut down on:
-- Sugar (including brown sugar, powdered and confectioner's)
-- Deep-fried foods
-- Potato chips
-- Soy proteins

It is a process to change the foods you are used to. Some foods are easier to eliminate than others. Even  if you switch out your foods slowly, you are heading in the right direction!