Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is this just the beginning?

I have been slowly trying to be more healthy for awhile now. But not until September 2012, did things start to change. I was introduced to Isagenix by my sister, Nicole. I was a skeptic at first, not thinking I needed anything to help me in my search for "healthy". I thought I did pretty well! I wasn't overweight and didn't eat red meat. I even gave up my diet Dr. Pepper! However, things weren't perfect. I lacked energy and motivation to workout. So while I wasn't fat, I didn't really look that great in a bikini either. Okay, let me try Isagenix already!

I started with one of Isagenix's most popular systems, the 9-day cleanse. I thought -- ugh, 9 days of cleansing? I then find out the program is 11 days! But luckily, it's not 11 days of not eating. Whew! Because I like to eat. And let me tell you right now, I have never dieted in my life! This was going to be hard -- I was sure of it! So I made it through the cleanse -- I will go into detail about the cleanse later. And to my surprise I lost 5 lbs. in those 11 days and felt fantastic! I had so much energy I didn't know what to do! Hmmm... or did I? Yes! Time to burn off that energy and try running again.

I used to run or jog about 14 years ago. Holy crap, that's a long time! When I used to run I never ran that long but ran often, usually 4-6x a week. I didn't really run because I liked it but because I always had heavy legs and running seemed to be the only thing that thinned them out. I swear, I would look down at the treadmill and stop at 30 minutes on the dot. I ran longer along Lake Michigan (I miss that) but not by much. I was convinced that I couldn't run further than 3 miles and had no reason to do so. Starting to run after so much time was scary. I walked, ran, walked, ran until I was able to go further and further. I kept drinking the IsaLean shakes in the morning because the extra protein really gave me the energy to go out and run. Before I knew it I was running past my usual 3 miles with ease. I ran a 4-miler for Thanksgiving and obviously didn't push myself enough as I wasn't out of breath at all at the finish line.

During my Isagenix cleanse I learned a lot about nutrition and started applying it to every day. I started to use more of their products like their snacks and bars and even some of their supplements. Between better nutrition and running, my body started to change. By January, I was ready to do another cleanse. I had one too many sweets over the holidays and stopped running as often because it was cold. My second cleanse I lost 10 lbs. Crazy. Again, my energy skyrocketed and I started doing a workout program in my home. Body is still in transformation mode now.

Is this just the beginning? The knowledge I have gained? The tools I have with Isagenix? Will I continue to just get better? I am 40 and better than I was at 30. I can't wait to learn more, work harder and keep Isagenix as part of my life. Bring on 41!

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