Thursday, September 3, 2015

Is giving advice and sharing the same thing?

Today I found myself at the grocery store in the baking isle looking at coconut oil. I usually buy a large tub of coconut oil at Costco, but I decided I needed more before I could get there later in the week. I was looking over all of the products. I was probably there forever. Hmmm... I started comparing the products as I found virgin, extra virgin, non-GMO, unrefined, refined, kosher, cold pressed, expeller pressed, product of Philippines, Product of Columbia... My head was spinning, trying to make my final decision... then comparing prices... oh my! $3.99 -- $13.99 -- $24.29? Sigh.

Then an older lady approached me. I guess all of my craziness made her believe I was the coconut oil expert! She asked me about how to use it, if I like it and what were the health benefits. I had a conversation with this woman in that baking isle for probably 20 minutes! She was so kind and really took everything I said to heart. "What?", she said, "I can use it on my skin, too?". Yes! She was so excited and went on to tell me how she was going to get healthy now that all of her kids were out of the house. It was really nice giving her advice. I felt great about helping point her in the right direction.

So I come to the question that I have to ask myself, "What is the difference between recommending a product at a grocery store and sharing a product that I use from a company I trust?". In the end, I made my best guess at which brand would have the best coconut oil. I went with Nature's Way Coconut Oil though I really want to buy Nutiva's Coconut Oil (but it was more than twice the price!).
As I left the store I was thinking I don't really know much about Nature's Way. I'm glad it's organic and non-GMO, but is it a company I can trust? I then start thinking of how the lady I met was ready to get healthy. I have some of the best solutions out there to help someone like her get healthy, but I said nothing! How do I not give advice on what I have learned? I have parents close to her age that have been successful. I know I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want her to think I was trying to sell her anything. Network marketing gets a bad rap. It is not all about making money and scamming people with a useless product. I had something to offer, a gift really, and didn't offer the advice. But is it really any different? Can you suggest a product that works, no matter where it comes from? I think so. Okay, I know so! 

I'm just writing today to remind myself that it is okay to give advice and share a product I truly believe in. To recommend a company that I trust. It is okay! Before I started I did the same thing as I did with this coconut oil. I compared products, I looked at ingredients like undenatured whey protein, grass fed cows, and things like non-GMO, organic, sourcing, trace mineral count, high quality botanicals, herbs and competitive wholesale pricing. And I made my decision to start my health journey with Isagenix. That was three years ago!

I am now determined to get better at sharing and giving advice to people to give them the same opportunity to start their health journey -- even if it starts in the isle of a grocery store.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Hitting the pavement again

Finally back running today! After more than a month off this Summer due to a knee issue, today is day 1 of training for my first half marathon! Not running has made me a little soft around the edges. But I managed to not let it all go due to my nutrition. :)

 Dense nutrition is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. I could run all day, but without the proper nutrition I would be doing it for nothing. A great body starts in the kitchen! We have all heard that before. It is true! Nutrition first, exercise second. Giving your body the nutrition it needs sets your body up for proper digestion, speeds up your metabolism and gives you energy. Without these things, exercising just isn't efficient. In fact, you might be burning muscle instead of fat! Yikes! 

Have I been good all Summer? No! I have had my fill of potato chips and baked beans, ice cream etc. But these have been once in a while treats at parties. For the most part I try to balance my proteins, fiber and fat while getting essential vitamins and minerals. I have had a LOT of fruit and veggies this Summer. I love fresh fruits and veggies! I don't think about the sugar in the fruits too much or about the carbs in either. I know I am eating whole foods and not processed junk. It makes a difference!! I've also done two 2-day deep cleanse days this Summer. One in June and one in July. I will do one this month as well. It has made all the difference in keeping my cravings from spinning out of control. My protein shakes stay consistent. I have one every day for breakfast. If I go out for breakfast, I have it for lunch! It is a meal replacement protein shake, so I'm not only getting 24 grams of protein, I am getting vitamins and trace minerals that I wouldn't otherwise get from food -- unless I ate a LOT more!

So while I'm not as fit as I could be, I would say I am doing pretty well with just staying active and mindfully eating. Now it's time to get back in shape and hope my knee doesn't give out!

Oh, and I just got new shoes! Funny how I think that getting new running shoes is exciting -- but it is! I bought the New Balance Fresh Foam Zante.

We will see how these do in training. They are light weight which I like, but not too light weight! I might need more cushion to help my knee, but when I put on stability shoes they feel so heavy! Time will tell. Okay -- motivated for this half marathon in South Padre!!

Friday, July 3, 2015

How to Decide What's "Healthy" to Eat These Days

It drives me crazy trying to shift through all of the articles that are published day after day on what is and isn't healthy to eat. One day eggs are good for you, the next they aren't. Eat bacon! Don't eat bacon. Animal proteins cause cancer; Animal proteins are the best way to get protein. Yikes! It changes all of the time making it difficult to know what foods to keep in your diet and stay healthy.

I want to start by saying that I'm not a Doctor or a certified Nutritionist. However, I have helped many people find their path to a healthier life. I consider myself a researchist -- is that a thing? Ha. I spend hours and hours a week reading articles and trying to find both side of every story. I also want to say that I don't believe there is a "one size fits all" eating plan. It is more common than ever for people to have diabetes, a thyroid condition, autoimmune diseases, depression, IBS and more. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that, "As of 2012, about half of adults - 117 million people - have one ore more chronic health conditions. One of four adults has two or more chronic conditions." Scary, right? I have Epilepsy so I fall into those numbers. If you are one of these people you most-likely take medication for your condition. I don't want to, but it is needed right now to control my seizures. Depending on the medication you take, it can cause deficencies in your diet. Your medication can also cause other side effects that you have to take into consideration. So the first step is to do research about your condition, your medication(s) and what that means. If you are one of the lucky ones that doesn't take any medication at all, yay! Clean slate. Deciding on beneficial foods should be easier!

My approach is that of moderation. I live pretty much by the 80/20 rule of eating healthy and giving myself treats. Yes, that number jumps up to 30% sometimes around the holidays, but I also know how to dial back to 90/10 if needed. Why 80/20? Because diets don't work longterm -- period. If you can naturally eat healthy 100% of the time and enjoy it, great! But I love dark chocolate and my Mom's homemade pies at the holidays -- a piece of cake on birthdays, a cheesy shrimp enchilada on the weekend, and I don't want to have to feel guilty about it. Guess what? I don't! (Sometimes I do pay for it later when I have a stomach ache!) I eat pretty much everything except for red meat. If you love red meat, I'm not saying you shouldn't have it from time to time. If you just like it, you may find that you can do without. I haven't found anything that red meat has to offer nutritionally that I can't get otherwise. I haven't had red meat for over 20 years. I thought about cutting meat out all together for awhile. In fact, I started eating a lot of that soy-meat in my 20s and 30s thinking I was making a healthier choice. Ha -- again fed by what I read was healthy at the time. I also ate everything low-fat because that was another thing we were all told was healthy. What I didn't realize was that eating "healthy" is really trying to stay as whole food and clean as possible. No matter what you read, eggs are good, eggs are bad -- you always have to look at the source of your food (and the source of what you have read -- there are always two sides). I started eating organic cage-free eggs because while you will read about cholesterol being a problem with eggs, I don't think one a day or less is what's going to kill me. If I ate a dozen conventional eggs from hens fed GMO corn and soy, maybe I would have a problem. If I already had high cholesterol or heart disease, I might have a problem. Otherwise, all of the positive outweighs the bad. Eggs contain essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need. This is just one example.

We have all read about the gluten craze. If you have Celiacs disease, having any gluten at all can be extremely harmful to the lining of your small intestines, causing all sorts of problems. There are also people who are gluten-intolerant and gluten-sensitive. If you don't have any of these issues, there is no reason to completely avoid gluten. In fact, there are foods that contain gluten that are quite healthy for you! I have often thought it would be great if you could get a food allergy blood test covered by your primary doctor. This test would give you a heads up as to what foods you should really stay away from! For now, the test(s) are very expensive. I am saving up. :) If you don't have the money for these expensive tests, you can always try an elimination diet to figure out what you may have a sensitivity to. Along with gluten (wheat), dairy, soy, eggs, fish and nuts are the most common allergens in adults.

Speaking of tests, another great simple blood test to get taken (again, not covered by insurance) is a nutritional deficiency test. I have gotten this test at a place called AnyLabTestNow -- it is the MicroNutrient Lab test from Spectracell. You don't need a doctor slip to get this test. However, you may be able to get a slight discount if you go through a nutritionist. I wish I would have done this test before I started Isagenix. Oh well. My test results were great. Funny enough, I wasn't deficient in anything my doctors thought I would be (just something to note). I was borderline on Selenium. The answer? Take 2 brazil nuts a day. Seriously.

There is no clear answer for how we should eat because everyone needs something a little different (depending on a person's natural deficiencies, medication use, genetic predisposition, allergies, etc.). But food alone will never be enough due to the depletion of vitamins and minerals in our soil. Do your research, everything in moderation, eat whole foods, eat clean and get a little help from a company you trust like Isagenix. I feel that the IsaLean shakes have filled in all of my gaps successfully -- along with a few supplements that I know I need for me (IsaOmega, Ageless Actives).

Good luck with your healthy journey!

Hope for Baggy, Saggy Skin After Weight Loss

By Kjersti Cote (updated with current products)

A big concern or worry for many who need to lose a tremendous amount of weight is the excess unwanted skin that may hang around once at the goal weight.

We have great news!  Many, many individuals have released 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200, even 300 lbs. with no baggy skin!!! So what helps skin tighten and shrink?

For starters, the IsaLean Shakes!! 
The amino acids in our shake supports elastin and collagen production within our skin! The longer you’re on the shakes, the more tight and glowing your skin is. 

Loads of antioxidants that help combat free radical damage to the skin. You have IsaOmega’s that help with skin pliability and moisture. C-Lyte and Ageless Actives, again for antioxidant protection.  Then there’s Product B, the ultimate in youthful aging with telomere support!  The longer the telomeres, the younger you are!

It provides rebuilding material that rests on the top of the skin. As your skin needs specific nutrients, it will take it from the Rejuvity Essential Youth Serum.

Moisturizing the skin keeps it more resilient and healthy and slows down cellular aging. This stuff is amazing too as the before and after’s with just the cream is fabulous. Avoid toxic skin care products!

As we age, our skin thins making environmental pollutants and chemicals more penetrable to our skin, damaging deeper layers within the skin.  So make sure you shower often and use toxic free skin care like Rejuvity.

Avoid too much sun! Too much sun actually slows collagen production in the skin! Best sun protection ever…Isa Sunguard

As you lose weight and the skin is constantly regenerating, it’s important to remove dead skin sloughing from the surface! Rejuvity Bamboo Exfoliating Polish

Good pure water, avoiding diuretic drinks such as black tea, coffee and soda. If you’re not hydrated properly, wrinkles set in permanently.

Make sure you’re eating regularly, not skipping meals to try to lose faster. Nourishment is needed for every single cell.

Lastly, keep in mind that genetics play a role in this. Nutrition can do its thing but if your genetic say no thanks, then that’s the way God made us. There are many wonderful non-invasive procedures that help with tightening the skin, men and women alike. These are typically put into action after being at your ideal weight for a time.